
Ontario English Catholic Teachers

Workplace Human Rights Concerns and Complaints

Workers’ human rights in the workplace are protected by the Ontario Human Rights Code and other legislation, such as the Labour Relations Act, Schedule A of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Part 1 of the Constitution Act, and the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

The Members’ Guide to Workplace Human Rights Concerns and Complaints will both assist members in better understanding their rights and responsibilities regarding human rights in the workplace, and guide members who have concerns that their human rights have been violated in the workplace.  The Members’ Guide also provides details of the Association’s Human Rights Complaint Intake Form, which offers members an opportunity to identify instance(s) where they believe their human rights, as recognized in Ontario’s Human Rights Code, have been violated in the workplace.  It provides a sense of what members can expect, including remedial pathways, when they contact the Association with a human rights concern or complaint.

If you believe you have been mistreated in the workplace by an administrator, worker, student, parent, or third party, contact your unit office for guidance. Even if your concern is not a human rights violation, you have a right to a safe workplace free from discrimination and/or harassment.  