
Ontario English Catholic Teachers

Statutory Members

All teachers employed by a Catholic school board in Ontario to teach on a full-time, part-time, or occasional basis, or in a continuing education program, are automatically statutory members of the Association.

If no membership fees are paid by or on behalf of a statutory member for a period of ten school months, that person is no longer considered to be a statutory member of the Association.

The Association’s Handbook outlines the parameters for statutory membership. If you are working in a Catholic school and have questions about whether you are a member of OECTA, contact

Member Profiles

Everyone has a story about a memorable teacher: someone who inspired and motivated them to achieve more than they knew they could, who listened when they needed someone to talk to, or who made learning fun. Through every lesson, conversation, or interaction, a teacher can make a great difference in a student's life.

Catholic teachers are extraordinary. We excel in the classroom and beyond the school hallways. We are parents, athletes, authors, and artists. We are active in our local communities and around the world.

Check out the stories of some of our extraordinary Catholic teachers, like Anthony De Sa, Jessie MacDonald, Bruno Stranges, Rolland Chidiac, and Sister Pat Carter.

Extraordinary Teachers. Extraordinary Impact

Associate Members

Each year, the Association accepts applications for associate members.

An associate member may attend Association meetings, conferences, and workshops; receive the official publication of the Association and other general communications sent to members; and receive advice on professional matters, on application and as approved by the Provincial Executive. However, an associate member is unable to hold office and has no voting rights.  

A "no-fee" associate membership may be granted to a retired Catholic school teacher who is drawing a pension. A "with-fee" associate membership may be granted to a certified Catholic school teacher or former Association member who is not retired but is unemployed as a teacher in Ontario, or a certified Catholic school teacher who is engaged in an educational capacity in Ontario but who is not eligible for statutory membership. Applications are reviewed and approved by the Provincial Executive.
