
Ontario English Catholic Teachers




Math GAINS provides a wealth of classroom-ready instructional supports for K to 12 teaching and learning in Ontario.

Knowledge Hook
Free self-paced learning platform for mathematics. It includes engagement tools such as games to measure and improve student learning.
Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat Resource Package
This downloadable online package includes video clips of expert practitioners putting “best ideas” into practice, summaries of promising evidence-based practices including tips on how to get started in your school and classroom, and research on instruction and learning, highlighting implications for classroom practice: Webcasts for Educators; Capacity Building Series; What Works? Research into Practice
Teacher Learning Co-op (TLC) Project Reports 
TLC uses a problem-based learning model, supported by the Ontario Ministry of Education and the Ontario Teacher Federation. It has two areas of focus: using information and communication technologies (ICT) to enhance teaching and learning and enhancing teaching and learning, in Mathematics. Projects focus on: creating math resources; developing strategies for using iPads in the classroom; developing resources for bringing manipulatives into the Grade 8 classroom; or developing strategies and resources for using information and communication technologies in Social Sciences.
Teaching Student-Centred Math: The Three-Part Lesson (OECTA)

This Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) project includes a video and six lesson plans designed to assit teachers of blended Grade 6 and 7 classrooms incorporate the two sets of expectations into their mathematics lessons.
