
Ontario English Catholic Teachers

  • OECTA has represented teachers in Ontario's Catholic schools since 1944.
  • OECTA has approximately 45,000 members:
    • 23,000 elementary teachers
    • 13,000 secondary teachers
    • 9,000 occasional teacher
  • OECTA members teach more than half a million students in 1,135 Catholic elementary schools and 219 Catholic secondary schools throughout Ontario.
  • Approximately one half of OECTA's members live in the Golden Horseshoe and Hamilton area, in Dufferin-Peel, Durham, Toronto, Simcoe, and York. More than 6,000 teachers are in Toronto alone.
OECTA is affiliated with the Congress of Union Retirees of Canada, Ontario Teachers' Federation, the Canadian Teachers' Federation, Education International, the Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL), and the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC).
