Office Hours Pre-recorded presentations offer teachers bite-size recordings related to a variety of curriculum and content specific topics. Participants can access recorded presentations at their convenience. After viewing a recorded presentation be sure to check the list of upcoming Office Hours LIVE sessions for an opportunity to ask questions about the presentation, practice and pedagogy, get advice, share teaching tips and network with other teachers.
For a complete list of Office Hours Pre-Recorded Presentations see below. For a list of upcoming Office Hours Live Session click here.
Assessment and Evaluation
Effective Ways to Show Evidence of Growth and Learning Assessment and Evaluation in Kindergarten
What are the most effective ways to share evidence of growth and learning in Kindergarten? This Office Hours Session will explore the Growing Success Kindergarten Addendum and how to make the link between documentation and evaluation. It will uncover the three kinds of assessment and how teachers can ensure that they are collecting observations, conversations and products for all 3 types. There will also be a focus on reporting on growth rather than achievement in the four frames, and how the Communication of Learning templates can be used to do this.
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Get Ahead of the New School Year: Assessment and Evaluation Considerations and Planning
Get a handle on how you will assess and evaluate your students so that you are ready for the Progress Report, and beyond. This presentation will provide you with a clear understanding of what assessment and evaluation are, triangulation of data, diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments, recording and tracking data, and a look at assessing and evaluating learning skills and work habits.
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New Year - New Learning! Assessment and Evaluation for the Secondary Classroom
Step into the academic year with new insight and confidence! This presentation will provide a cross-curricular overview as well as practical tools and strategies for student assessment and evaluation in Grades 9-12. Through the triangulation of data, gain a deeper understanding of assessment for, as and of learning to ensure both equity and excellence in achievement. Whether it’s choosing a diagnostic tool, a 'best-fit' tool, tracking formative assessment or evaluating a culminating task, learn how to harness student voice and exercise your professional judgment to maximize success for all students.
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Classroom Management
A Preventative and Responsive Approach to Virtual Classroom Management
This session will focus on both preventative and responsive classroom management strategies for both remote and hybrid learning models. Creating an online hub of learning that is differentiated and makes use of multiple learning modes is not only key to effective remote classroom management, but also establishes a foundation that makes responding to misbehaviour more fluid. The first half of the session will focus on practical preventative strategies, while the second half will discuss effective responsive classroom management techniques. Using effective preventative and responsible classroom management strategies and techniques will support student achievement and well-being and will also promote teacher confidence and well-being.
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Changing Times, Changing Ways: Rethinking Classroom Management
Students today face an unprecedented surge of social and emotional pressures. Enticed by distractions, bombarded by messaging and witnessing profound changes in society, students find themselves living between the real world and the virtual one. Sometimes they struggle to navigate each. Teachers are increasingly aware of the competition they face for their students’ attention. Helping students succeed requires an approach to classroom management which reflects our changing times.
This presentation will guide participants through a principled approach to classroom management. A responsive, flexible and values-based approach will be explored to help address the realities of the 21st-century classroom.
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Classroom Management: Positive, Proactive and Practical Strategies for Success in Secondary
This engaging session will provide an opportunity for secondary teachers to explore and take away practical strategies and pedagogy to successfully manage a classroom in the 21st Century. Getting the year started, building relationships, conflict resolution and managing challenging behaviour are key aspects of positive and proactive classroom management. This session is suitable for secondary teachers, in classroom and itinerant roles, as well as occasional teachers.
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Managing the Classroom as an Occasional Teacher
In this presentation you will have the opportunity to learn a variety of classroom management techniques and methods that have been successfully used by educators. When you have completed this session you will gain confidence to lead your students in an organized and well structured environment, and become a more effective educator.
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English Language Learners
Teaching English Language Learners (ELL)
Whether you are a new classroom teacher, an ESL teacher new to the role, or a seasoned veteran, this presentation will begin a powerful and worthwhile conversation around English Learners. Topics touched upon in the presentation include: Who ELLs are, how long it can take to learn English, STEPs to English Proficiency, strategies to support ELLs, accommodations and modifications, just to name a few.
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Indigenous Education
In Our Words
This video provides many perspectives through the personal narratives of Elders and recognized Knowledge Holders. These videos will explore how the dispossession of land from Indigenous Peoples took place throughout what is not called Canada.
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Understanding Indigenous History by Digging Deeper into a History not Taught
This presentation delves into Indigenous history, investigating how Indigenous communities went from being self-sustaining and prosperous in ways that had existed for thousands of years to facing radical disruption and oppression from contact to the present day. Learn about Indigenous models of understanding and governance and the ways that Indigenous people have resisted and grown throughout their history up to and including the present day. As reconciliation is crucial for all Canadians, this presentation is of crucial importance for all teachers. This presentation will provide you with a sense of the rich history of Indigenous peoples and ideas for how you can start, or enrich, your own path of actively working towards reconciliation as a teacher and an individual.
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Interview Skills
Preparing for the Interview
This workshop will provide practical information and tips that will help you prepare for a teaching interview. The presentation is organized to support planning in advance of the interview with a focus on developing a portfolio as well as practical examples of how to prepare effective responses to interview questions. Using the learning from this presentation will help set you apart from the competition and secure the position that you want.
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Games, Talk and Open Number Lines: Three Tips for Supporting the Number Development of Young Students
Are you looking to vary your instructional practices in Primary Mathematics? Are you interested in developing counting and calculation skills of young learners? This presentation will explore three simple ways to support the number sense development of Primary aged students in an engaging and constructive manner: playing games, talking more using the number strings strategy and using open number lines to talk and think about numbers and calculations.
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A Look at Junior Math
This session will provide teachers with a range of strategies to help students become more successful in understanding and applying mathematical concepts in Mathematics. The focus will be on those areas identified as most difficult for Junior students.
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Special Education
What's so Special about Special Education?
Teaching students with special needs can be challenging. There is a great deal to know and knowing where to look for support may be one of the biggest challenges teachers face. This special education presentation will focus on the day-to-day learning of students, with special needs, in the classroom setting. While there is lots of theory on this, the focus will be on practical ideas and suggestions to manage your classroom, and to make all students successful. This presentation is elementary focused.
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