
Ontario English Catholic Teachers

Violence Prevention


Canadian Safe School Network 

The Canadian Safe School Network offers a number of programs and resources to help reduce youth violence in schools and communities, including brochures, interactive CD-ROM’s, workshops, and assembly programs.

COURAGE 7 and 8 and COURAGE High School are school-based violence prevention education programs designed and offered by COPA, a non-profit provincial agency with a unique approach to fostering ‘safe, strong, and free’ schools and communities.
COPA - le Centre ontarien de prévention des agressions

COPA (le Centre ontarien de prévention des agressions) is a non-profit, provincial, Francophone organization with bilingual capacity that provides expertise, training and resources to schools in Ontario. COPA’s ongoing commitment to building “safe, strong and free” school and community environments is widely recognized. COPA is a unique organization that provides a range of services to Francophone and other communities in Ontario, such as consultation, training and support in areas related to child and youth assault prevention.
