
Ontario English Catholic Teachers


How do I register for AQ courses?
Registration is online. Select the course of interest then click the registration link beside the course offering for registration and payment.
What is the fee?
The OECTA AQ course fee is $649 for Early-Bird registration except for Religious Education Part I which is $599, by the published deadline.

All registrations after the deadline will see an increase of $50!
How do I pay for my course?

All courses are paid by credit card, at the time of registration. If a course is cancelled, the funds will be remitted back to your credit card. Please note that Visa Debit Cards are not accepted.

What if I want to withdraw from an AQ course?

You can withdraw from an AQ course. However, please see the course cancellation policy for fees associated with course withdrawal. Withdrawal fees are calculated from the date the request is received.

Email the providing the following information:

  • Your full name as listed in the course registration
  • The name of the course you are currently registered in. State whether online or face-to-face
How can I transfer to another course?

Email the providing the following information:

  • Your full name as listed in the course registration
  • The course you are currently registered in
  • The course you would like to transfer to

Class size, availability, etc. will dictate transfer possibilities. You will be notified about your request.

Can I take more than one Additional Qualification course at one time?
It is not possible to enrol in more than one face-to-face course at one time. While it is possible to enrol in more than one online course at one time, there are some very important considerations. Firstly, as a participant in an online course, you are expected to participate in and lead a number of group discussions, reflections etc. These discussions are open for participant input for very specified blocks of time. In addition, all online course work, including the action research project must be completed by the end date of the course. These assignments contribute to the required hours outlined by the Ontario College of Teachers. Given that most people would be in a teaching assignment, in the fall/winter and spring it seems highly improbable to handle the course expectations of more than one course at any given time. Given the short duration of summer courses, enrolment in more than one course is not permitted.
What is the attendance policy for an AQ course?

All AQ courses are 125 hours and either fully online or blended.

(i) For all courses, attendance is comprised of instruction, interaction and participation (100hrs) and assignments, readings, etc. (25hrs).  Online courses are designed to facilitate your learning on your own schedule.  However, depending on the length of the session, you will need to be online a few hours per week for fall, 10 or more hours per week for spring, and several hours each day for summer.  Your online time must reflect what your attendance would have been in a face-to-face course, remembering you can self-determine when/how to accomplish this. Most instructors speak to this in the course introduction.

The time is often referred to as contact time and non-contact time.  Attendance is tracked by the instructor through attendance sheets and an online monitoring component of our learning platform.

What documents do I need to submit?

Each course description indicates the required documents. 

Electronic copies of relevant documents are to be submitted by you to the instructor at the first class. Candidates will not be recommended for accreditation for AQ course completion if the required documentation is not submitted. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have submitted all of the necessary documentation required for the course.

Can I take an AQ course if I am currently completing my B.Ed.?
No. You will be eligible to enroll in a summer course, following completion of their B.Ed. and possession of the six-digit Ontario College of Teachers membership number.
If I have taught students with special needs or English language learners will this be recognized as teaching experience in courses such as Special Education and ESL?
Recognition of appropriate teaching experience can include theses experiences, however the Supervisory Officer needs to concur and sign the Teaching Experience Form.
Do I need an official transcript to take an AQ course?
No, the required documentation is listed above. Refer to the *FSL and *Religious Education course pages for information on additional required documentation.
How are courses graded/marked?
Each course is pass/fail based on completion of all course requirements and the recommendation of your instructor.
Will I receive a transcript?
No. Each course is pass/fail based on completion of all course requirements and the recommendation of your instructor. You will receive a certificate of completion for successful completion of the course.
How do I obtain my certificate for completion of my AQ course?
Certificates for AQ courses, including Religious Education, are sent electronically to the email address you registered within one month following the successful completion of the course and submission of all required documentation.
Be sure to check your junk-mail too!
How do I get a duplicate course certificate?

You can order a duplicate certificate on the OECTA website here.

The fee for each duplicate certificate is $25.00, payable by credit card.

How do I demonstrate proficiency in FSL?
As the teaching of French requires a strong knowledge of and facilitation with French as a Second Language, you require a majority of your schooling in French Immersion or French Secondary School and/or university courses, and other experiences with the French language.  A proficiency test may also be required. Information about this requirement can be found in the course description on the FSL Part I course page.
What documents are required when seeking equivalency for Religious Education?
  • The OECTA Equivalency Form
  • Official transcripts sent directly from the University to OECTA
  • A copy of your current Certificate of Qualification
How many courses do I need to gain equivalency for Religious Education Part I?

You need two full or four half university level courses. The courses must relate directly to the AQ course curriculum.

What do I need to get into the Religious Education Part II course?
Part II requires successful completion of the Religious Education Part I course (or equivalent) and one year of successful teaching.
What do I need to get into the Religious Education Specialist course?
You require successful completion of the Religious Education Part II course (or equivalent) and two years of successful teaching of which one year is in religious education.
What’s the difference between an AQ and ABQ?

An AQ is an Additional Qualification course. These courses are designed to provide ongoing professional learning for teachers in a subject area or topic after they complete their BEd

An ABQ is an Additional Basic Qualification course. These courses are designed to give teachers certification to teach in another division. Only a university Faculty of Education, approved by the Ontario College of Teachers, provides ABQ courses.

Who can respond to questions about course payment, refund, and receipt for income tax purposes (T2202)?
Contact OECTA at 416-925-2493/1-800-268-7230, and ask for Accounts Receivable.
How do I obtain a T2202 tax form?
They are mailed to participants at the address provided at registration, prior to February 28.