The Council of Presidents consists of:
- All local unit presidents or their designates
- The elected members of the Provincial Executive
- The elected Association representatives on the Board of Governors of the Ontario Teachers’ Federation
- One occasional teacher bargaining unit representative from each of the six provincial bargaining regions (central, east, northwest, southwest, northeast, and Toronto)
- Chairpersons of the standing committees, networks, work groups, project teams, task forces, and the Institute for Catholic Education representative (who are non-voting members)
- The General Secretary and Deputy General Secretary (also non-voting members)
The Council of Presidents meets three times per year to advise the Provincial Executive as well as to strike the budget. Other responsibilities include:
- Approving the provincial bargaining goals and objectives
- Assisting the Provincial Executive in administering the affairs of the Association
- Providing information, direction, and advice to the Provincial Executive on any matter requiring attention before the next Annual General Meeting
- Approving, disapproving, or changing programs and projects recommended by the Provincial Executive
- Establishing units, changing unit boundaries, and approving the division or merger of units
- Conferring life and honorary memberships