Participant Evaluation
Additional Qualification programs operate on a "complete/incomplete" basis. Grades will not be assigned, but rubrics or other criteria are used to demonstrate a minimum standard of achievement. To be specific, a 75% or higher constitutes completion.
Programs offered at OECTA do not carry a degree credit. A letter of completion will be e-mailed to successful participants . Your attendance, participation and quality of work will all contribute to your evaluation.
You must contact your instructor as soon as possible if, due to exceptional circumstances, you miss any class time. Since the value of the course rests heavily on the collaborative experience, full attendance and effective participation in class and online time throughout the entire program is required. Make-up work will be required. If you do not satisfy the attendance/participation policy requirements, we will be unable to recommend you to the College for recognition of the Additional Qualification course.
Participant Appeal Process
Requests for an appeal of policies, procedures, assessment/evaluation practices and decisions related to the participant's progress in course should follow the procedure below:
- Appeal to the Course Instructor, then, if unresolved, to the Provincial Coordinator (in consultation with Course Instructor), then to the AQ Administration Committee via submission of written request to the Chair.
A concern or appeal relating to a specific course (e.g., with respect to course evaluation, appropriateness of assignments, or grading practices, attendance, etc.) must be initiated with the appropriate course instructor. Participants should attempt to resolve their issue at this level. If participants cannot resolve the issue at this level, a written request for appeal is made to the Provincial Coordinator. The letter must outline their specific request/concern and indicate that they have attempted to resolve the issue with the course instructor.
The Provincial Coordinator will gather the facts that pertain to the appeal from all sources and provide a written ruling to the candidate (copied to the Course Instructor) within 30 days of receipt of the written appeal. If the candidate is not satisfied with the Provincial Coordinator's decision regarding the appeal, then the candidate may make a final appeal in writing to the Chair of the AQ Administration Committee. The committee will meet to review the appeal and make a decision to be sent in writing to the candidate, copied to the course instructor. The AQ Administration Committee's decisions are final and will be made within 30 days of receipt of the written appeal from the participant.