
Ontario English Catholic Teachers

Part 1

This course is designed to take first steps towards understanding the histories, cultures, traditional teachings and current issues of First Nations, Metis and Inuit Peoples. The course is built from a Catholic perspective from the ground up, intertwining our values while examining difficult issues such as Residential Schools and the 60’s Scoop. It develops a respectful and informed perspective while laying the foundations of allyship and understanding. This course is truly one-of-a-kind that will serve all teachers in challenging and constructive ways.

Module 1: Understanding Relationships Ekinamadiwin (Anishinaabe term for Teachings)
Module 2: Understanding Traditional Teachings - Qaujimajatuqangit (Inuktitut term for Traditional Knowledge)
Module 3: Understanding History 
Onekwehshon:a (Kanien'kehá:ka term for People)
Module 4: Understanding Current Issues Gin 'láa hl isdáa (Haida term for "Do Good Things")
Module 5:Understanding our Role in Reconciliation as Educators Mâmahwohkamâtowin (Nehiyak term for Working Co-operatively)
