
Ontario English Catholic Teachers

Catholic Teachers Call on the Ford Government to Save the Science Centre

“The Ontario Science Centre has been an educational staple in Ontario since it first opened its doors in 1969, providing engaging learning opportunities to students and classes who have visited its exhibits over the years. Despite the Ford Conservative government pushing messaging around the importance of hands-on learning opportunities, it has decided to abruptly close the centre due to safety concerns.

Even though the latest engineering reports show that a full closure was not necessary at this stage, Doug Ford plans to demolish the award-winning educational hub to build a much smaller centre as part of his government’s Ontario Place development scheme. This is not the first time we have seen purposeful neglect and underfunding used by the Ford government to push an agenda of privatization that actively works against the best interests of Ontarians. We see the same effects of chronic underfunding in our education system every day. Ultimately, it is our children who bear the impact of these decisions.

As we have seen time and time again, Doug Ford backtracks when Ontarians push back. A small, quick action from you can make a big difference. Send a message to Doug Ford and join the more than 60,000 Ontarians demanding proper investment in the Ontario Science Centre. Help keep this world-class institution alive so it can be enjoyed by students, families, and all Ontarians for decades to come.”

- René Jansen in de Wal, President of the Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association

Sign the Letter – Send a Message to Doug Ford