
Ontario English Catholic Teachers

Single Session

This course provides practical advice and pedagogy to successfully manage your classroom, in the 21st century. Sound classroom management is essential for student learning and successful teaching. Anchored in knowing your students, including our students with special needs, English Language Learners, and those who are First Nations, Metis Inuit indigenous learners, this course explores key areas such as Mental Health and Well-Being of students, creating and sustaining a welcoming classroom community, program planning and the learning environment.

Module 1: Reflecting on The Learning Environment and Classroom Management
Module 2: Supporting the Health of our Students
Module 3: Building a Welcoming and Supportive Classroom Community
Module 4: Designing a Successful Program
Module 5: Creating a Flexible and Welcoming Learning Environment

This course is suitable for elementary and secondary teachers, in classroom and itinerant roles as well as occasional teachers.
