Part 1
Special Education Part 1 provides an introduction and overview of the characteristics of students identified as exceptional and students who require modifications and/or accommodations based on their learning needs. This course will help teachers develop skills and knowledge in the design, delivery, programming, and assessment of special education.
Teachers will gain knowledge of various exceptionalities, Ontario Ministry of Education and Ontario College of Teachers legislation, curriculum policy documents, and other Ministry of Education policies.
This course is open to all elementary and secondary school teachers who have a basic qualification in general studies or technological studies. It is a prerequisite for teachers assigned to a special education class or working as a special education resource teacher.
Module 1: Foundations of Special Education in Ontario - Policy and Perspectives
Module 2: Using Assessment to Inform Programming
Module 3: The IEP and IPRC Processes
Module 4: Current Pedagogy
Module 5: Modern Perspectives about Equity
Part 2
Special Education Part 2 continues to develop the skills and knowledge of teachers in the design, delivery, programming, and assessment of special education. This course supports the expectations outlined in the Ministry of Education curriculum policy documents as well as other Ministry of Education policies and support documents.
This course is open to all elementary and secondary teachers who have a basic qualification in general studies or technological studies, have completed Special Education Part 1, and have one year of successful teaching experience.
Module 1: Policy, Law, and Regulation
Module 2: Examining Special Education Board Standards
Module 3: The Stages of Transition
Module 4: The Power of Assessment
Module 5: The Identification, Placement, and Review Committee Process
Special Education Specialist provides participants with the ability to extend and apply their skills and knowledge in Special Education programs and services. This course develops leadership skills in the design, delivery, programming, and assessment of special education.
The course supports the expectations outlined in the Ministry of Education curriculum policy documents, as well as other Ministry of Education policies and support documents.
Participants will gain in-depth knowledge of the field of special education with a focus on developing leadership and advocacy skills. The course explores Ministry directions and issues facing special education in Ontario. Candidates will critically analyze current programming, legislation, regulations, policies, and ethical issues. This culminates in a practical leadership experience that demonstrates the candidate’s interest in and commitment to leadership in special education.
This course is open to all elementary and secondary teachers who have a basic qualification in general studies or technological studies and who have completed Special Education Part 2 and two years of successful teaching experience, including one year in special education.
Module 1: A Call to Leadership
Module 2: Legislation, Policy, and Funding
Module 3: Placements, Programs, and Services
Module 4: The IEP and IPRC: A Critical Approach
Module 5: Modernizing Special Education